Oh my! The end of this Traveling Afghans project is coming *SAD FACE :-(*. But what I don’t like is that I have to crochet all these squares together.. And I also have a super secret Christmas project going on! I am very curious if I will be able to finish this all before the holidays are starting.
Anyway, that is not why you are here. You are here to read all about the Fly the Distance Traveling Afghan Square. I expected a corner-to-corner project. But it wasn’t. She chose a motivating square. In these crazy times we are all a ROCKSTAR!
You can find a total overview of all knitting and crochet patterns of this CAL at https://www.twoofwands.com/travelingafghans.

As you all know this Traveling Afghan CAL is sponsored by Lion Brand. The original design is in one color, I use four. I use four pastel colors (green, grey, pink and beige), with Royal yarn from a Dutch store called Zeeman and crochet hook 6mm. I bought 10 skeins of every color. I’ve noticed I can make around 2,5 squares from one skein. I know I have to much yarn, but luckily this can be returned within the year.
Fly the Distance #22
This square is designed by Jessica Benvenuto from Pennsylvania, United States of America. Her blog is called Fly the Distance and is full with beautiful (corner to corner) projects. This design is a nice ‘peptalk’ during these crazy times. Jessica thinks everyone is a ROCKSTAR, because everyone is tryin their best in these crazy times even though it’s hard sometimes. ROCKSTAR is, how surprising, the name of this Traveling Afghan. A nice and fun project, because I love bobbles! Click here to go to the pattern at Jessica’s blog.

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