Vase a la Delft Blue – Create your own masterpiece!

26 July 2022

Every week I buy fresh flowers and every I put them in the same vase.. Sometimes you want to mix it up and change it. What do you do? You start looking for a new one.

I knew I wanted something special and I love the vases of the Dutch brand ‘Delfts Blauw’ a.k.a. Delft Blue. A brand us Dutchies are really proud of. Unfortunately that pride comes with an expensive pricetag which is not for everyone. Thankfully you can buy blanc Delft Blue vases, which are perfect for dotting! That’s exactly what I did. I dotted my own Delft Blue vase. This is really my masterpiece and it won’t get better than this! Do it yourself? Keep reading!


Do it yourself

You bought the vase, awesome! I used two existing patterns from Stipstijl. I dotted ‘Inner circle’ on the big piece above the foot. And I used the big circle from ‘Dots of Hope’ and dotted this pattern on the second piece of the vase. I added a few dots for more depth. The upper circles are my own designs, see below how I made these.

Click here for a magnification.

I want to create the illusion of a tullip on top. Therefore I used the small raindrop stickers.

Click here for the magnification

On the bottom of the vase I created more tullip leafs and I again I used the small raindrop stickers. In the middle of the foot I used the big raindrop stickers. You can also choose to leave the foot empty and don’t dot anything on there. You’ll also not fill here up.

I dotted the border of the foot as follow: I used stick 6mm until the sides were full. Next I used 2,5mm and placed a dot on the upper side (between the big dots) and I used stick 1,5 mm below this one.

Click here for the magnification

Fill her up!

You can choose, like me, to completely fill the vase up. For the topper I used stick 2 for the big dots and 0,5 for the small dots. On the middle piece I used sticks 2,5 and 1,0. For the foot I used 3 and 1,5.

My Delft Blue masterpiece!

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